Top tips for new Web Designers
Top 5 tips for new web designers:
If you are a new web designer, you might actually find these tips very helpful, but even if you are not and you're someone who's already got experienced od established, these tips might still be very valuable to you. It will make you reconsider, how you approaching your web design projects. So lets go ahead and jump right in to it.
Tip #1. Before you ever start doing a single line of code , before you ever touch your computer, make sure you fully understand the brief and what the website design is suppose to accomplish . Make sure that you understand what the goals of your client or your employer are and what the business reality surrounding the project are. Take the prospective of this and use it to influence all of your decision making rather than thinking purely from the perspective of a designer or even a coder. what might makes sense from an artistic or from a functionality perspective may not help accomplish the end goal of reaching new business, new clients or selling products or services. So , you really need to make sure that is a priority in your mind and you understand what your client really needs for you , so that your execution aligns to that. Short version, make sure you have a brief that just clearly communicates , what the outcome and the expectation need to be. If a client doesn't provide you with a brief, then make sure you're asking them the right questions.
Tip #2. At first , before writing a single line of code, there's one more other thing that I would really say you should be doing and that's that you should mock up your designs. You can use pen or paper or you can do what I'm starting to do, which is you can use Adobe Comp CC as a mobile app to mock up your designs and lay them out. So that you can get a real feel for where in the placement of all your different elements should be. This can help you inform your design process because by the time you go to the code in the computer, you're just executing on the road map, that you've already outlined for yourself. so this can be extremely helpful for you, so that you're saving time and you're being very effective.
Tip #3. The other thing is I would also road map out the file structure of the website. So that you know what directories and sub-directories or how pages are related. This could also save you a ton of time. So make sure you're making a solid plan before you ever execute on the design.
Tip #4. Have an emphasis on mobile design. Familiarize yourself with responsive design workflows and tools like Bootstrap as a framework for the responsive and mobile design. This is going to be extraordinarily helpful to you in your career going forward because now there is a bigger focus on mobile design and mobile experiences is because its usually the first way that an end user interacts with a website today. So make sure your websites are designed for mobile first and that they look good on all the devices that they need to do.
Tip #5. Make sure you are thinking about user experience. UX design is something that's very trendy to talk about right now, but the reality is you just need to really take a step back and not think about it as a designer or a coder and really think about how someone is going to use it. Think about how your best friend would use this website. Think about how a six year old child or you grand parents would use this website. If they can't use it, then you might need to reconsider how you're approaching things and create much less friction or a smaller learning curb for somebody just coming to the site to be able to get to what they need. When you focus on user experience, you got to make sure that your clients and that their customers and clients are very happy with the experience that you've created and developed for them.
Hope these tips helped you out. If you have questions, leave them in the comment section.
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